Email Content, Email Design, Email Marketing, Resources and Research, Strategy and Planning, Subject Lines, Tips and Tricks

Infographic: Top 10 Email Marketing Questions – What you need to know about Email Marketing

We’ve joined forces with  Email Monks to shed some light on what you need to know about email marketing and answer some of those email marketing questions you’ve always wanted to ask.

So how can I get more opens with my campaigns, make my emails more successful and keep up with the latest trends in email marketing?

With the introduction of the Apple Watch, where is email going and how can we ensure our campaigns keep getting delivered? And at the end of our campaigns, what can we do as marketers to revive a disengaged list? Or do we just cut our ties and let our audience go?

We’ve dealt with a lot of email over 15 years at Vision6 so we all put our heads together to answer your big questions, help you supercharge your campaigns and answer everything you need to know about email marketing.

Solutions to the top 10 Email Marketing Questions

solutions to top 10 email marketing questions

So what else do you need to know about Email Marketing?

Marketers everywhere rely on email marketing to drive their campaigns. Cutting through all that data can be incredibly difficult when it comes to email. It always feels like there’s so much changing. At Vision6, we’ve spent over 15 years helping businesses design, send and track awesome emails. We’ve been compiling send data, breaking it down by industry and tracking open rates, click-through-rates and lots more. The analytics are updated monthly and compiled from all our global send data.

I’ve also spoken at the annual Email Marketing Summit of Australia, answering some more advanced questions from the audience about how social media marketing and email work together, email targeting, what impacts that buyer decision and how to use interactive content in your campaigns. See my full session here, and hear everything you need to know about email marketing. 

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